Choosing Piece Sets

    Polyominoes includes 6 different piece sets to choose from.

    Statistics and high scores are only kept for the Pentominoes.

    Trominoes are all the polyominoes made of 3 squares.

    Tetrominoes are all the polyominoes made of 4 squares.

    Pentominoes are all the polyominoes made of 5 squares.

    Hexominoes are all the polyominoes made of 6 squares.

    1-Sided Tetrominoes are all the polyominoes made of 4 squares, where mirror images are counted as separate pieces. In other words, a left hand and a right hand would be thought of as two different pieces, whereas normally they're thought of as the same.

    1-Sided Pentominoes are all the polyominoes made of 5 squares, where mirror images are counted as separate pieces.


1-Sided and 2-Sided Pieces

    If 1-Sided Pieces is selected, then you cannot flip pieces -- you can only rotate them. Generally, you will want to select 1-Sided Pieces when using the 1-Sided Tetrominoes or 1-Sided Pentominoes. Though there is no rule that this has to be so.

    If 2-Sided Pieces is selected, then you can flip and rotate pieces.


Creating Your Own Piece Sets

    The Windows version of Polyominoes does not currently support creating piece sets.

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