Unite is shareware, $10 USD. Registration is quick and easy --
everything can be done online via the web (or you can send a check
if you prefer).
only $10
Register now and get:
- Free upgrades
- No more splash screen or shareware notices
For your convenience, payment is accepted in the following forms:
- Major credit cards - VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners
Club, Discover, and Optima
- Check or money order
- Cash of all kinds -- US dollars and over 30 other different types
of currency including the euro and Japanese currency; currency
conversion is done automatically
To register your copy of Unite, go to the Kagi Unite registration page.
New versions of Unite are free to registered users of older versions.
If you registered a previous version of Unite, your old registration code still works -- if you've lost it, contact me.