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Barcelona Trip

Day 5 of 18

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Monday, July 1st
Fly to Geneva, shuttle to Les Houches

We packed up and left our apartment, taking a shuttle to the airport. Today we were flying to Geneva. There were thunderstorms in the morning. I don't know if that was the reason, but EasyJet said our 2pm flight was delayed by about an hour. After boarding around 3pm, we sat on the tarmac and waited. And waited. And waited. The pilot said there was some air traffic control issue. We finally took off around 5pm. I hoped our shuttle from Geneva to Les Houches would still be there for us.

We landed around 6:20pm. Thankfully Mountain Dropoffs knew our flight was delayed and sent an email confirming we had a new driver. However, after getting our bags we couldn’t find Mountain Dropoffs. I asked and someone told me it was on the right past the coffee shop. We walked and walked and ended up exiting the terminal before turning back around. We asked someone else and they pointed us in the right direction. Apparently the original instructions were right, but the Mountain Dropoffs booth was so small and the sign so insignificant that we had missed it the first time. The booth is probably about 4 feet wide.

Anyway, we finally met up with our driver and we left the airport around 7pm. The drive to Les Houches is only about an hour or so. After a long day we finally made it to the hotel. They had actually contacted us since they closed the front desk at 9pm. In any case, they checked us in and even gave us a late dinner reservation. The dinner was great. Sadly we were too late to order a bag lunch for the next day (has to be done by 6pm). However, they told us about a bakery we’d pass where we could get lunch tomorrow.

After dinner we started packing up our backpacks in preparation.

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