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Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB)

Day 6 of 11

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Sunday, July 7th
Rifugio Elena to La Fouly
8.1 miles
1710 vertical feet (ascent)
3200 vertical feet (descent)

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It was surprisingly fairly quiet in the dorm rooms at night, and I was able to get a fair amount of sleep. Everyone was up by around 6:30am, packing. Breakfast was at 7am. Breakdast was typical - meats and cheeses, bread, hard boiled eggs, juice/coffee, and some cookies. No cereal. I think there was yogurt and some hard packaged biscuits. It was ok.

After breakfast we finished packing and started off. The weather was much better today. Overcast, but not raining, and we could now see that there was a big glacier on the mountain above us.

Mountains outside Rifugio Elena

Glacier above Rifugio Elena

Rifugio Elena

We also noticed there were about 3 people who camped outside the previous night. We walked past them and then started the steep climb up to Grand Col Ferret. The climb is about 1700 feet in 1.8 miles. There were a few small snow patches, but nothing sketchy.

Starting the climb

Looking back at Rifugio Elena

There didn't seem to be as many people on the trail today. Maybe they all left earlier or were leaving later. I think only 2 people passed us on the way up (and we weren't going very fast).

Looking back at Val Ferret

Flowers and Val Ferret

Glacier above Rifugio Elena

Continuing the climb

Climbing past the snow

Melting snow

Looking back at Val Ferret

Continuing the climb

Grand Col Ferret

We reached the top in about 80 minutes. It wasn't windy, but it was cold, and it looked like some light rain was threatening. We put on our jackets and pack covers.

The descent included a lot of snow patches. There wasn't anything we were inclined to put on our microspikes for, though. Most of the snow patches were relatively flat, though there was one near the top which was a bit steep. I will say that I probably waited too long to put on my knee brace here, as I started to have pain in my left knee after this descent (I've had problems with the knee in the past, so I brought a brace for the descents).

View from the top

Descending in the snow

More snow on the descent

More snow on the descent

More snow on the descent

No more snow

As we descended further, the sun came out and we had to shed our pack covers and jackets again. Most of it was a steady downhill, but there was one brief uphill where I nearly got run over by a mountain biker coming the opposite direction. I guess after all that climbing he saw a brief downhill and wanted to gun it around a blind corner, and I just happened to be there at that time. Thankfully I was able to step to the side in time to let him pass. He didn't mention any bikers behind him, but I was cautious (there were two more, not going fast).

Continuing the descent

Fog in the valley

Fog around the mountains

Fog in the valley

As we descended further we could see cattle fenced off to our right, snow capped peaks in the background behind a mist. Soon after that we reached Alpage de La Peule (refuge) where we stopped for a long lunch break. This was a relatively short day, so we were in no hurry.

Cows on the hillside

Cow close-up

Cow eating lunch

After lunch we continued a steep descent down to a road. We walked on the road for about 1 mile, then crossed a bridge over the river to the left and stayed on the trail for another mile. Finally, we crossed back over the river and followed the road for about a half mile into La Fouly and to our refuge, Hotel Edelweiss. We shared a large room (looked like an old classroom) with 2 other guests.

Steep descent

Washing boots next to Dranse de Ferret (river)

Dranse de Ferret

We're definitely in Switzerland now

Bridge over Dranse de Ferret

Dranse de Ferret

Walking through the forest



It's more like a hotel than a refuge (other than having to share a room). They have a nice shower (no time limit), and a fancy looking dinner room and bar. Also, they have laundry service (which we took advantage of).

Dinner was 7pm and was very good. There was a wheat and vegetable soup which was very good. Then spicy chicken; it wasn't spicy, but it was good (with rice and vegetables). They could have laid off the sauce a bit, though. For dessert, some sort of ice cream dish. I would probably rate it just below Auberge de la Nova.

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