It was late afternoon by the time Jean and I started the Congress
Trail. There was a large crowd gathered by the General Sherman
tree -- the largest living thing on the planet. We got someone
to take our picture, and then returned the favor in kind. Then
it was onto the trail.
General Sherman, of course
The Congress Trail is a paved path which winds its way through
a beautiful grove of large sequoias. This late in the day, people
were returning to camp to start up the grill for dinner, and we
had the trail almost completely to ourselves. That's too bad for
everyone else, since the afternoon lighting shone beautifully
on the sequoias.
A sequoia glittering in the afternoon light, next to the Congress
Another section of the trail
The Congress Trail is so named because the trees have been given
names like The President, the Senate, and the House. Even without
the names, though, it's a beautiful trail. The Crescent Meadow
trail has sequoias, but they aren't as big or as concentrated
as the sequoias along the Congress Trail.
Hiking along the Congress Trail
Out of the remains of a giant downed sequoia comes new life.
We continued our morel-hunting (looking, but not touching!). The
forest seemed to have a faint red glow to it. Rays of sunshine
filtered through the forest. Large black crows glided through
the forest, between the trees, as if in slow motion.
One can only imagine what it must have been like when John Muir
first walked through these forests. No cars, no roads, no paved
trails. Just the majesty and beauty of giant sequoias.
Return to Sequoia/Kings Canyon trip report.