From the north, take Highway 85 south. Take Saratoga Ave.
exit. Turn right; continue through downtown Saratoga (Highway 9,
straight ahead). Continue up Highway 9. At the top, turn left on
Skyline. The well-signed parking area is a few miles up the road, on
your right.
View Driving Map
[Note: for more pictures, description, and a map, see the more
recent hike:
Trail Camp Loop (2015)]
Michelle, Cathie, Landa, Joe, Weihaw, Jenny, and I went hiking in
Castle Rock State Park, near the intersection of Highway 9 and
Skyline. This is one of my favorite hikes. We passed by rock
climbers. In some places along the trail you can see miles and miles
of trees spreading down toward Santa Cruz and the Pacific Ocean. It's
a wonderful sight. Hard to believe such a view is so close to us.
The view from the trail, looking out toward the Pacific Ocean (can't
see the ocean in this picture).