We woke up late (around 9am). I went to the reception desk to get a hiking
map of the area, and asked about the weather. From what he said, it would
be fine at least today and tomorrow. I asked about the bridge over the
Krossa river (which we would cross tomorrow). He said that there were 3 bridges:
1 which he'd broken,
another which was probably washed out, and the third which should be fine
and was close to the Básar hut. He said to just follow the blue/yellow markers
across the valley. He didn't say exactly how he had broken the bridge.
Jean and I went on a short day hike to the Merkurrani Plateau around 11:30am.
After the hike I again checked the
weather forecast. It looked decent, but in retrospect I
should have contacted the safetravel.is site for a more
detailed localized forecast.